Encouraging Reading in a Digital Environment. National Campaigns and Influencing Factors


  • Monica Dimitrova Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
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reading, digital reading, reading attitudes, reading promotion, young readers


  • Reading is a complex cognitive process, a principal cultural technique of the modern age, and the foundation of all literacies. Digitization has irrevocably changed the written word and the ways we read and communicate. Recognizing the vital importance of reading competencies in the development of individuals and societies, efforts to promote reading in the digital environment are a central topic. We have conducted a mapping of European reading promotion campaigns on a national scale that use digital approaches and target children and young adults. Initiators are organizations that are engaged in the mission of book and reading promotion and are members of notable international European associations, networks, and consortiums. The research outlines literate mobile apps, virtual communities in social networks, involvement of celebrities and opinion makers, gamification of reading, book apps, and digital literature as trends in reading promotion campaigns in the digital environment. In addition to these approaches, campaigns rely also on role models as a crucial influence factor on the reading attitudes of young people. The research shows that role models change over the life course – in the early years these are the parents, in the education domain – the teachers and peers, and in the increased screen time in the digital environment – the influencers. The mapping gives examples of good practices in reading promotion campaigns executed with digital approaches in each context.

Author Biography

Monica Dimitrova, Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski



