Peer Review Procedure


on accepting and publishing manuscripts in the “St. Kliment Ohridski” Sofia University Annual

  1. Sofia University has its own periodic science issue called “Sofia University Annual”. The Annual comes out once a year in series of the individual faculties within set time-lines. The publications are free of charge.
  2. The Annual accepts original research articles, studies, monographies and reviews.
  3. The FJMC Annual comes out in electronic format and as a printed issue (ISSN 1311-4883) in uniform design, approved by the University Publishing House.
  4. The respective author declares that the manuscript has not been sent for publication, or been published somewhere else. Manuscripts which have been published, or have been sent for publication elsewhere are not accepted, as well as manuscripts, which do not fall within the thematic scope of the Annual or have not been drawn up according to the recommendations. In such cases, the editor-in-chief returns the manuscript to the respective author with the necessary argumentation.
  5. After receiving the manuscript, the editor-in-chief appoints a managing editor from the editorial council, and the latter appoints two independent reviewers to whom the original manuscript is sent. The reviewers should be competent in the research area of the manuscript.
  6. The reviewers remain anonymous to the author and are obliged to sign a declaration on the lack of conflict of interest. The author also remains anonymous to the reviewers.
  7. After receiving the reviews, the editorial council makes a decision on whether to publish, return for corrections or reject the manuscript. The editor-in-chief announces the decision to the respective author. Debatable issues are referred for decision to the editorial council.
  8. The reviewers do not receive remuneration.
  9. The approved manuscripts and their electronic variants are preserved by the editor-in-chief of the respective series of the Annual together with the reviews. The correspondence with the authors is also preserved. The authors transfer the copyright on the manuscripts to the respective faculty. This includes the right to adapt and transform the manuscripts to use computer software and systems, necessary for the printing process.
  10. The board of editors, consisting of an editor-in-chief, managing editors on the separate areas and an editorial council are elected by the Faculty/Research Council.
  11. The contents of the Annual issue in preparation are submitted to the Faculty council for approval. The approved issue in electronic and hard copy form should go to the University Publishing House together with an accompanying letter, signed by the dean, until 30 June at the latest.
  12. The Annuals are printed in limited edition for library exchange. The electronic variant of the Annual is uploaded to the website of the University library and to the Annual’s website.
  13. The editorial councils of the faculties can also have additional requirements for the manuscripts, such as language, volume, submission deadline, etc.
  14. The authors and the board of editors are pledged to uphold the code of ethics, the legal provisions and the statutes of the “St. Kliment Ohridski” Sofia University, as well as any additional ethical rules, drawn up by the editorial teams of each series depending on the specificity of the research field.

These rules have been adopted at a session of the Academic Council of the “St. Kliment Ohridski” Sofia University on 19 December 2018. (Protocol №5/19.12.2018.).

Blind Review Form