The Radical Party during the rule of the Democratic Entente (1923-1931)


  • Hristo Stefanov Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski"



Radical-democratic party, Bulgarian Radical Party, ХХ с.


The Bulgarian Radical Democratic Party emerged as a politicalorganisation of a section of the petty-bourgeois strata. It failed to become a major social force of prime importance. Its political influence was limited by the other parties. Constant political and ideological pressure was exerted on the Radshshchel Party to radically change its behaviour. But it resisted the pressure, and its participation in the public life of the country was palpable in the political combinations of the party groupings. The Radical Party in the period of the Democratic Party's rule maintained its independent existence. It sought to establish itself as a political force that would increasingly oppose the power of the Convention. In its political activity, the Radical-Democratic Party oriented itself towards the timely exposure of the fascist government.


Ст. Костурков. Партийният празник. - В. Радикал, бр. 13 от 18. 1. 1924.

В. Кючуков. Пазете законите! - В. Радикал, бр. 223 от 4. Х. 1923.

ЦДИА, ф. 493, оп. 1, а.е. 6, л. 1.

J. Rоtsсhild. The Communist Party of Bulgaria. N. York, 1959, р. 135.

Стенографски дневници на XXI ОНС, 11 РС, 1 сн. II, с. 1359

ЦДИА, ф. 493, оп. 1, а.е. 6, л. 4.

В. Демократически cговор, бр. 114 от 19. II. 1924.

ЦДИА, Еп. 83, л. 197.

М. Радев. Да ги приютим! - В. Радикал, бр. 240 от 24. Х. 1923.



How to Cite

Stefanov, H. (1979). The Radical Party during the rule of the Democratic Entente (1923-1931). ГСУ-ИФ, 68(1), 273–316.