The Monuments dedicated to Hyupsistos from the Balkan Roman provinces


  • Margarita Tacheva-Hitova Faculty of History, Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski"



Hypsistos, Roman provinces in the Balkans


The present study deals with the monuments of Hypsistos from the Hellenistic and Roman periods in the Balkan lands. They are treated sequentially, according to the administrative division of provinces in the Roman era (1st-3rd centuries), which does not coincide with the contemporary political division, but facilitates correspondence with the rest of the historical literature on the issues treated here. The accompanying catalogue brings together for the first time the monuments of ancient Macedonia and Dacia. The study cited above makes it unnecessary to include the monuments of Lower Mysia and Thrace in this catalogue, and they are therefore cited by the catalogue in the study.


Литературата и дискусиите по въпроса вж. последно у М. Таtsсhеvа - Нitоvа. Dem Hypsistos geweihte Denkmiiler in Thrakien (Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der antiken Religionen. III). - In: Thracia IV. 1977, р. 271 ff. 2.

Г. Кацаров. Антични паметници от България. - ГПНБМ 1923, с. 201 сл.; V. Раrvаn. Une nouvelle inscription de Tomi. - Dacia 1, 1925, р. 477; G. Каzаrоv, s. v.Thrake (Religion). RE VI А, 1936, kol. 529 ff.; S. Pelekides. - Arch. Delt. 8, 1923, р. 268; Я.Младенова. Оброчни паметници от Пловдив. - ГМПл 4, 1950, с. 181 сл.; М. Лазаров. Епиграфски паметници в Бургаския музей. - ИАИ 27, 1964, с. 189 сл.

Твърдението е на основание на работата на L. Zоtоviс. Les cultes orientaux sur la territoire de la Mesie Superieure. Leiden, 1968.

N. Gоstаr. Noi monumente epigrafice din Scythia minor. Соnstаntа, 1964, р. 74, fig. 2; G. Mihailov. IGBulg ~ II, 780.

Literaturata i diskusiite po vaprosa vzh. posledno u M. Tatssheva - Nitova. Dem Hypsistos geweihte Denkmiiler in Thrakien (Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der antiken Religionen. III). - In: Thracia IV. 1977, r. 271 ff. 2.

G. Katsarov. Antichni pametnitsi ot Bulgaria. - GPNBM 1923, s. 201 sl.; V. Rarvan. Une nouvelle inscription de Tomi. - Dacia 1, 1925, r. 477; G. Kazarov, s. v.Thrake (Religion). RE VI A, 1936, kol. 529 ff.; S. Pelekides. - Arch. Delt. 8, 1923, r. 268; Ya.Mladenova. Obrochni pametnitsi ot Plovdiv. - GMPl 4, 1950, s. 181 sl.; M. Lazarov. Epigrafski pametnitsi v Burgaskia muzey. - IAI 27, 1964, s. 189 sl.

Tvardenieto e na osnovanie na rabotata na L. Zotovis. Les cultes orientaux sur la territoire de la Mesie Superieure. Leiden, 1968.

N. Gostar. Noi monumente epigrafice din Scythia minor. Sonstanta, 1964, r. 74, fig. 2; G. Mihailov. IGBulg ~ II, 780.



How to Cite

Tacheva-Hitova, M. (1980). The Monuments dedicated to Hyupsistos from the Balkan Roman provinces. ГСУ-ИФ, 70(1), 35–51.