Revenue sources

In order to ensure the quality of the research published in the Annual, to enhance the legitimacy and reliability of the Journal, and to provide a fully transparent experience for all parties involved in the publication of GSU-IF, the Editorial Board should disclose detailed information regarding its sources of income. These sources include, but are not limited to, subscriptions, advertising, reprints, institutional funding, direct marketing, and publication fees.

The Editorial Board is made up of academics and professionals who generously dedicate a significant portion of time from their busy schedules to the development of GSU-IF, entirely pro bono. This commitment is rooted in the belief that scholarship is both an honour and a fundamental duty of humanity. A central principle motivating the members of the Editorial Board is the intrinsic value of research conducted by scholars in all disciplines.

In view of this, authors of articles and other material published in the Annual do not have to pay a publication fee, nor do they receive honoraria for their contributions to the Journal.

The Editorial Board does not accept paid promotions, advertising or direct marketing initiatives. For more information regarding the Annual’s policy on tracking services, please see the Privacy Policy page on the website. In keeping with the core principles that unite these scholars in advancing GSU-IF—namely, freedom of dissemination, freedom of access, and unrestricted sharing of knowledge—no subscription fee is charged to any reader of the Journal. Guided by these principles, the Editorial Board has adopted the Diamond Open Access Publishing model for the Annual, in conjunction with the Creative Commons BY 4.0 Licence, as the most appropriate means of implementation.

Authors who have received grants, institutional funding, or organisational support are permitted to publish their research in the Annual, provided that they duly and accurately acknowledge this support at the time of publication and clearly indicate it in a prominent section of their article.

As the Annual of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”—Faculty of History is a core publication of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and is published by “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press, the institution covers the printing costs. The annual publishing plan of the University, which includes the financing of the GSU-IF, is implemented by the Management Office of the Rector of Sofia University. This financial support is essential for the production of a scholarly publication that maintains high academic standards, ensures freedom of expression, and provides a platform for the presentation of diverse scholarly hypotheses.

Consequently, both print and electronic editions hosted on the Open Journal Systems are available free of charge, including reprints and special issues.