Divination Techniques in Ancient Mesopotamia. Reconsidering the Terms and Divinatory Process


  • Zozan Tarhan Faculty of History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”




Ancient Mesopota­mia, ancient scholarship, divination techniques


The present study examines the divination techniques in Ancient Mesopotamia, the sources, main characteristics of some certain practices, the occasions in which they were conducted, as well as the experts who performed them. In this article, the topic of the distinction of the mod­ern terms is addressed; some of them are reconsidered, accordingly new ideas and insights are argued. Regarding the divinatory process, specific problems are discussed, about which possible solutions and answers were proposed.


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How to Cite

Tarhan, Z. (2023). Divination Techniques in Ancient Mesopotamia. Reconsidering the Terms and Divinatory Process. ГСУ.ИФ, 106(1), 87–104. https://doi.org/10.60053/GSU.IF.1.106.87-104