Vol. 103 No. 1 (2019): Annual of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Faculty of History

					View Vol. 103 No. 1 (2019): Annual of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Faculty of History

T. 103 contains, first of all, the article based on the academic speech of Prof. Dmitry Polivyanni /Ivanovsky University - Russia/ at his awarding of Doctor honoris causa on May 18, 2018 in the Auditorium of Sofia University. The article examines the communities of spirit in the Bulgarian Middle Ages, which created specific network structures, with a special reverence for the relationship between teacher and student. The article by El. Musakova refers to the manuscript called Banishko evangelie, re-problematizing the questions about the place of its creation and about its author. T. Popov presents an article about the influence of the Bulgarian state tradition on the institutions of the Danubian principalities - Wallachia and Moldavia for the period XIV - XVII centuries. The influence is traced through the adopted titles in the principalities and institutions, similar or identical to those in the Bulgarian state. The material by M. Belcheva reflects the restoration process of one of the books that belonged to Sophronius Vrachanski, as well as the author's reflections on the movement of this book by Goddard Friedrich Stender /1714 - 1796/ True religions..., on the notes placed on her pages etc. The last study in the issue by J. Madzharov examines in detail the difficult fate of the famous Hungarian Bulgarian writer Shara Karig/1914-1999/ and her contributions to the popularization of Bulgarian culture in Hungary.

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Published: 03.12.2024