Vol. 102 No. 1 (2017): Annual of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Faculty of History

					View Vol. 102 No. 1 (2017): Annual of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Faculty of History

GSU 102 is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of the famous Bulgarian historian Evlogi Buzhashki. Its diverse content includes articles on Bulgarian history and that of the Ottoman Empire. Al. Nikolov analyzes the valuable work of Hayton of Korikos "History of the Tatars" and applies a translation completely prepared from the Latin text published in 1906. N. Ivanov examines the policy of France and the activities of the Jesuit Order for education in the Ottoman Empire from 1835 to The First World War. V. Racheva clarifies the main moments of Yu. Venelin's biography in the context of her research on the role of historians and history in Russia's policy of establishing lasting influence in the Balkans and over the Bulgarians. On the basis of the newly discovered, hard-to-access documents from the Russian Empire Foreign Policy Archive, I. Makarova traces the history of the signing of the Budapest Convention of 1877, as an important moment in the Eastern Crisis and the preservation, with the expansion, of Russian influence in the Balkans. V. Yanchev examines the politics of Al. Stamboliyski in the period 1919-1920 in relation to his political opponents and the role of the Bulgarian army. Pl. Stoyanova presents an analytical text on the employment policy among the Gypsy population in Bulgaria during socialism /1945 - 1989/. V. Mihailova's article clarifies the impact of the shooting down of an Israeli plane on 27.07.1955 on Bulgarian-Israeli relations. Information about the authors is included at the end of the volume.

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Published: 26.11.2024